HorseFleet Academy Newsletter

August 2007



What a summer that was!  Broken ankles, broken horses and broken farms, but we made it through and here we go again. 


Thanks to everybody for your cards and calls about Romulus.  He is so missed and I will never forget the things he taught me.


Prometheus (17.3 hh Clydesdale) is doing well.  I am going to wait to move him over until a larger stall is available for him.  Until then, I will continue to work with him and get him ready for his job.  Thanks to all who came out to the Meet & Greet.  Rose, your pictures are always unbeatable.


We say goodbye to Katie & Andrea Kough.  Katie has been a student of mine for 3 years, starting in H/J and deciding that Dressage was a better choice.  The Kough’s are off to Virginia.  Keep riding Katie, you’ve got what it takes.


Starting September 1st  prices are going up.  Unfortunately with the move & the trainers insurance I now have, I need to raise my prices for lessons.  All HorseFleet Academy cadets, your lessons are only going up $5.00.  So, lessons will be $50.00 and packages will be $450.00.  Anyone on a package at the time will finish out that package at no cost.  For new cadets that are not signed up, the prices will go on a pay scale.  $60.00 for beginners, $57.00 for up to 6 months of riding and $50.00 for 1 year + riding.


Looking for New Students.  Friends, family, nervous adults.  I have space available during the week after school.  If a new student signs up & rides for 4 consecutive weeks, I will give you a free lesson.


New designs of t-shirts are now available on Café Press.  If there is a design not on a specific shirt, bag or hat that you want, please e-mail and let me know what you would like and I can get it done for you within 24 hours.




Ms. Kat